Highlighted Presentations
Neil's Keynote for AIED
In the November of 2020, Dr Heffernan was asked to give a keynote at the 4th Global Summit on Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in Education held in Beijing.
Neil's Keynote for AIED
In the Summer of 2020, Dr Heffernan was asked to give one of the three keynotes addresses to the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education.
In April 2020, Neil Heffernan participated in a Virtual Learning Lab Seminar at AERA focused on how Ed Tech platform providers are using their services for research.
The Heffernans at the White House
Neil and Cristina spoke at the White House on December 7th, 2016 about ASSISTments and the importance of formative assessment.
A Brief history of the last 20 years of Educational Data mining
In this talk, Dr. Heffernan gave a personal history of this research area in which he continues to be actively involved.
Educational Data Mining
Dr. Heffernan, collaborating with Dr. Ryan Baker, discussed the impacts of data mining on education at the Cyberlearning Research Summit on January 18, 2012.
Alelo Webinar
Dr. Heffernan explained the importance of Shared Scientific Instruments for the learning science fields. This talk was given on April 10, 2019.
EdLab Seminar
Dr. Heffernan was interviewed by Columbia University for the EdLab Seminar on March 27, 2013.
2021:ED Games Expo Talk
Walkington, C., Patikorn, T., Bernacki, M., & Heffernan, N. (May 2021). Stories of Algebra for the Workplace. Presentation at The 8th Annual ED Games Expo [Virtual Event].
NSF Talk- STEM For All Video Showcase. Won an award for a good video.
Walkington, C., Bernacki, M., Heffernan, N., Wang, M., Istas, B., Greene, M., Howell, E., & Hunnicutt, J. (2021). Stories of Algebra for the Workplace. 2021 STEM For All Video Showcase.
2020: Podcast on Trending in Education
2020: KDD Tutorial: KDD2020 Tutorial on Recent Advances in Multimodal Educational Data Mining in K-12 Education. AUG 23, 2020. My zoom talk is recorded.
2020: AB Testing Workshop: and this
2020: Speaking at NCME workshop
2019: Dr. Heffernan gave a talk at the Israeli Symposium on Learner Analytics.
2016: Dr. and Cristina Heffernan gave a talk at the White House.
2016: Dr. Heffernan visited the White House to discuss ASSISTments. During this visit, Dr. Heffernan spoke on a panel related to using educational platforms to do science because of his op-ed for the Brookings Institute. Jeremy Roschelle gave a preview of the results of the evaluation SRI did of ASSISTments.
2016: TECH Talk at Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
2015: Dr. Heffernan hosted a webinar for the State of Maine.
2014: Dr. Heffernan gave a talk at Rice University's workshop on The Personalization of Learning.
2014: Dr. and Cristina Heffernan gave a talk at George Mason University. The talk slides are available for viewing.