Contact Details
Phone: 508-831-5569
Mailing Address: 100 Institute Road, Computer Science Department , Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester MA. 01609
How to find me on campus? Currently, I am in Fuller 237. In Jan 2022 I will be in the The Dodge Family Learning Sciences and Technologies Research Lab in the New Academic Building.
Scheduling: Email Angela Kao to schedule a meeting.
My email is overwhelming since ASSISTments is used by 300,000 students so if you want to reach me please reach out to Angela as she schedules my time. You can cc my email but direct to to Angela please.
Skype: His Skype ID is neiltheffernaniii.
Are you a prospective graduate students?
Are you a WPI undergraduate looking for a IQP or MQP? Read here are some projects I sponsoring and reach out to me. Looking for a job?
Get an Email from me that looks Suspicious? It might be ok. See reason below
If you get an email from that seems suspicious because their is a link to youtube, that is because I having carpal tunnel issues with my right hand. Here is a video that says the same thing. Maybe this helps you trust that the email you got from me is worth opening.